Pauperization in Jordan increases humanitarian emergency
2e country
in the world in terms of the number of refugees per capita (1 for 14).
32 %
of the population are children under 14.
22,3 %
is the country’s unemployment rate in the third quarter of 2023.
Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Jordan has become a refuge for many Syrian families fleeing the conflict. This country, whose economy relies heavily on imports and tourism, has been particularly hard hit in recent years. The repercussions of the global financial crisis, combined with the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the consequences of the war in Ukraine, have considerably affected the Jordanian economy.
This situation has exacerbated the difficulties faced by the most vulnerable Jordanians and the many refugee families. Access to health services has become a major challenge in Jordan, particularly in terms of obtaining essential medical and surgical care for children born with congenital anomalies. And yet, early treatment considerably increases the chances of preventing the resulting malformations.
Our humanitarian aid action in Jordan
Management of orthopedic and cardiac congenital anomalies
For the majority of Jordan’s population, specialized care is financially inaccessible. Yet the needs, particularly those related to congenital and cardiac anomalies, are great: according to the Jordanian Ministry of Health, in 2020, around 2% of Jordanian children suffered from congenital orthopedic and cardiac conditions, and over 3,000 babies were born with congenital hip dislocation. A large proportion of these children end up with disabilities, where early detection and treatment can improve their social, educational and professional lives.
La Chaîne de l’Espoir has been present in Jordan since 2012, supporting prevention, screening, training and care for orthopedic and cardiac birth defects. Faced with the growing needs of an increasingly vulnerable population, we have been stepping up our actions since 2022.
In order to improve the living conditions of children and adolescents in Jordan, we are developing our medical actions along 6 lines:
- early detection and intervention campaigns for babies,
- specialized consultations and surgery for children already diagnosed,
- psychosocial support during consultation days, hospital stays and the post-operative period,
- training public and private health workers in the detection and management of orthopedic and cardiac congenital anomalies, as well as medical students in two Jordanian universities,
- awareness-raising activities for members of
civil society organizations, - technical support for the Jordanian Ministry of Health (MOH) in the development of training and awareness-raising materials on the subject of orthopedic congenital anomalies.
518 healthcare professionals
trained in the management of congenital anomalies by 2022.
1,101 children
received a cardiac and orthopedic consultation in 2022.
223 children
received medical and surgical care, post-operative follow-up, rehabilitation and psychosocial support in 2022.
The echoes® program for ever more precise and earlier diagnoses
While caring for children with heart disease is a challenge for caregivers around the world, in Jordan, the lack of screening programs and trained personnel means that diagnosis is often delayed.
La Chaîne de l’Espoir has therefore set up echoes®, a tele-ultrasound program that links La Chaîne de l’Espoir specialists with doctors in countries with the most fragile healthcare systems. In Jordan, echoes® offers remote assistance, enabling local doctors to compare diagnoses. This medical collaboration is particularly valuable in detecting the full range of cardiac pathologies that affect infants at birth. It helps to transmit knowledge locally and to reinforce the expertise of Jordanian teams in the management of the most complex pathologies.
Our partners
They support our humanitarian aid
in Jordan
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Photos: Mohammad Zakaria, Victor Matussière / La Chaîne de l’Espoir