Spotlight on our year-end 2024 campaign
” The more you give, the less they wait “: an evolving message
In 2023, our year-end campaign was based on the message “Objective 0 days”, in reference to the interminable lists of sick children waiting for vital surgery in our various countries of operation.
This year, waiting is still at the heart of our campaign, but the message has changed to ” The more you give, the less they wait “. The wait is still there, but the emphasis is now on the fundamental role played by our formidable donors.
And, as last year, this new year-end campaign evokes the various pillars of La Chaîne de l’Espoir, namely :
- Care and surgery,
- Building and equipping hospitals,
- Training and skills transfer,
- Prevention and screening,
- Maternal health,
- Emergencies and humanitarian crises.
Siamese twins Ketsia and Kimberly, Nawal,…
As in previous years, this new campaign is punctuated by several appeals for donations for children whose state of health requires immediate medical care…
Such is the case, for example, of Siamese twins Ketsia and Kimberly. In Côte d’Ivoire, these little girls were born united by their liver and intestine. Beyond the obvious pain, this situation is accompanied by significant respiratory difficulties and increased vulnerability to infection.
Another child waiting for an operation: Nawal. A Syrian refugee living in Jordan, she suffers from a severe malformation of both hands, which are deformed and atrophied. This pathology is a real handicap in everyday life, causing her to be teased by other children and isolating her more and more each day.