International Women’s Rights Day

Every year, International Women's Rights Day is celebrated on March 8.
Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

Among the various global and international days that punctuate the calendar year, there are several that concern women. However, one of these days is better known than the others: celebrated every year on March 8, International Women’s Rights Day – also known as “International Women’s Day” – aims to inform, challenge and raise awareness of the inequalities and discrimination that women still suffer today.

At La Chaîne de l’Espoir, it echoes our maternal health programs.


What is Women’s Rights Day?

World and international days in the calendar are ideal moments to raise awareness and inform the general public about major, fundamental issues such as health. In the case of Women’s Rights Day, celebrated on the same date every year, the aim is todraw attention to the situation of women around the world, and in particular to the state of their rights, which are unfortunately all too often flouted.

What actions are carried out in support of International Women’s Rights Day?

Whether initiated by public authorities, international institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or feminist associations, Women’s Rights Day can give rise to a wide range of events and actions. Here are just a few examples:

  • Public demonstrations,
  • Artistic events (exhibitions of photographs, paintings and drawings, etc.),
  • Debates and discussions on films related to March 8,
  • Live shows,
  • Workshops,
  • Round tables,
  • Conferences,…

The date of International Women’s Rights Day

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

Women’s Rights Day is celebrated every year on March 8. While the choice of this date remains a mystery – for a time, it was thought to refer to a demonstration by seamstresses in New York on March 8, 1857, but this event is in fact pure fiction… – since its official adoption, this Day has been marked by a great diversity of themes.

For example, while the United Nations has chosen the theme “Investing in women: accelerating the pace” for 2024, previous editions have included:

  • Theme of the 2023 edition: “For an inclusive digital world: innovation and technology for gender equality”,
  • Theme for 2022: “Equality today for a sustainable future”,
  • Theme of the 2021 edition: “Female leadership: For an egalitarian future in the Covid-19 world”,
  • 2020 theme: “I am the equality of generations: realizing women’s rights”,
  • 2019 theme: “Thinking fairly, building intelligently, innovating for change”,
  • Theme of the 2018 edition: “The time is now: rural and urban activists transform women’s lives”,…

What can you do to celebrate Women’s Rights Day?

As mentioned above, there are many actions and events that can be organized on this international day. At La Chaîne de l’Espoir, we take action for women’s health on a daily basis.

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support us in the field.
