International Human Solidarity Day

In 2003, the United Nations General Assembly set up the World Solidarity Fund, specifically earmarked for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which aims to eradicate poverty and promote human and social development. Three years later, the Assembly proclaimed December 20 International Human Solidarity Day. Like the United Nations (UN), solidarity is at the heart of La Chaîne de l'Espoir's actions. Here's an overview.

What is World Solidarity Day?

Adopted by UN member states, the Millennium Declaration defines solidarity as a fundamental value to be respected in international relations in the 21st century. Alongside solidarity are freedom, equality, tolerance, respect for nature and shared responsibility.

Human Solidarity Day reminds us all of the importance of solidarity in achieving international goals, whether in the form of international conference action programs or multilateral agreements.

What actions are carried out in support of World Solidarity Day?

Every year, Human Solidarity Day serves a number of purposes:

● Celebrate our unity and diversity,
● Remind governments to respect their international commitments,
● Raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity,
● Encourage debate on ways to promote solidarity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
● Take action to encourage new initiatives to combat poverty.

All over the world, International Human Solidarity Day sees the organization of numerous events to promote the concept of solidarity. These events take many different forms. You can attend:
● Presentations,
● Seminars,
● Conferences,
● Round tables,…

When is Human Solidarity Day?

Resolution A/RES/60/209, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 22, 2005, marked the birth of International Human Solidarity Day. Under the terms of this resolution, December 20 was chosen as the date for commemorating the Day each year.

What can you do on Solidarity Day?

On Solidarity Day, it is of course possible to take part in one of the events organized around the world to promote human solidarity, be it a presentation, seminar, conference or round table.

You can also make a concrete gesture of solidarity. You can make a donation to La Chaîne de l’Espoir to support our actions in favor of access to healthcare for the most disadvantaged, or become a volunteer for the association.