News from Prisca

This little Congolese girl is cured.

04/03/20 – Prisca is now a lively child

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

Prisca’s birth in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, just over 5 years ago, was a joy for her parents. In reality, this event masked a tragedy in the making.

Prisca’s pain became more acute as time went by. Distraught, Prisca’s parents managed to get her to hospital, where a tumour compressing her lungs was discovered.

And once again, the magic of our chain of solidarity worked: the little girl was able to undergo life-saving surgery in Tours: her tumor was removed and Prisca is doing very well.

In her foster home, she even takes up sewing, an activity she loves, and will soon be able to return home.

05/08/19 – Let’s mobilize for Prisca

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

Anne-Berthe, our local pediatrician in Congo, recently alerted us to the case of Prisca. At 5 years old, the little girl complains of frequent chest pains, which are increasingly violent.

After a consultation, the diagnosis was made: Prisca had been suffering from a thoracic tumor since birth. Initially tiny, the lesion grew larger every day, further compressing her respiratory organs.

If we don’t intervene as soon as possible, Prisca is doomed.

Surgery can save her

Prisca grew breathless as the tumor grew in her rib cage.

Only an operation can cure Prisca. To do this, she would have to be brought to France, where the operation is possible. The child’s medical file has been submitted to Dr Michèle Larroquet, thoracic surgeon at the Armand-Trousseau hospital in Paris, who confirms that the tumour can be removed.

Prisca’s father, an accountant in Brazzaville, wants to help finance the operation by donating a whole month’s salary. Unfortunately, this won’t be enough, as it will cost no less than 6,280 euros to look after the little girl.

We can save it

If we can raise the necessary funds, Prisca can be saved.

We’re calling on you to help: by making a donation now, Prisca will be able to undergo surgery in Paris, and you’ll be helping to save this little girl’s life.

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Democratic Republic of Congo

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