News from Mahdi
24/03/20 – A new life for Mahdi

A few months ago, we asked for your help to save little Mahdi, who was suffering from a cleft lip that prevented him from eating and therefore from living.
During a La Chaîne de l’Espoir mission in Mali, Mahdi was able to undergo surgery. The one-and-a-half-hour operation repaired his lip and palate.
The little boy can now eat normally and grow up!
12/12/19 – Give Mahdi a smile
Mahdi is a 1-year-old boy. He lives with his parents and three sisters in the Kayes region of western Mali. When he was born, his mother immediately noticed the deformity in his mouth: a cleft between his lip and nose.
Mahdi’s life is in danger
In Africa, giving birth to a baby with a facial deformity is synonymous with a curse. The risk is to be excluded from one’s community and to see one’s child banned from all social life. Fearful and worried, his mother didn’t dare breastfeed him.
Mahdi’s parents understood what was at stake for their son, and immediately consulted a traditional practitioner who referred them to the Centre Hirzel in Bamako, a facility specializing in the care of children requiring reconstructive surgery. Once they arrived at the Hirzel center, and after several hours in a bush cab, the diagnosis was made: Mahdi had a right unilateral cleft lip and palate.

Emergency surgery is mandatory
Mahdi’s situation is becoming very worrying. In fact, the milk cannot be ingested normally, as most of it comes out through his nose. As a result, his diet is very complicated, and his growth is considerably delayed. Mahdi urgently needs surgery to close the cleft so that he can eat properly and grow like all little boys his age.
… in videos
We need your help!
The operation can be carried out on site, but has an incompressible cost of 600€. Her parents, with their very limited financial means, cannot afford the cost of such an operation!
So pass on the hope and save a child’s life. Give Mahdi hope, give him a smile, give him life!
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children like Mahdi