News fromAhoua

2 lives saved!

03/30/20 – Ahoua and her baby are saved

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

Last February, we appealed to your generosity to save two lives: Ahoua, a young woman then 4 months pregnant, and her baby.

Ahoua was suffering from mitral stenosis: a valve in his heart no longer opened completely, resulting in restricted blood flow. Ahoua’s life and that of her baby were at stake.

Faced with this urgent situation, a chain of solidarity was once again formed, enabling us to bring Ahoua to France at the beginning of March. An operation as rapid as it was technical saved the young woman’s life, and therefore that of her baby. Ahoua was able to return home to Chad on March 10.

Today, 6 months pregnant and in great shape, she can now look forward to the end of her pregnancy.

02/10/20 – Save Ahoua and her baby

Ahoua is 24 years old and 5 months pregnant. She’s out of breath, unable to take more than a few steps before stopping exhausted. Since the start of her pregnancy, her symptoms have only worsened. Today, she has to sleep sitting up to breathe.

It was Professor Jean-Philippe Lesbre, then on an organized mission in N’Djaména, Chad, who alerted his friend Professor Alain Deloche, asking him to urgently save Ahoua and her baby.

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

What happens to Ahoua?

The young woman suffers from mitral stenosis. This means that a valve in her heart is no longer fully open, resulting in restricted blood flow. Like all pregnant women, blood flow increases considerably. Ahoua’s situation is therefore becoming increasingly worrying, both for herself and for her baby!

Ahoua is still hospitalized at the Bon Samaritain in N’Djaména to alleviate her pain as best she can. But she needs emergency treatment to repair the valve, which cannot be carried out in Chad due to the lack of access to suitable technical facilities and trained doctors.

What can we do to help Ahoua and her baby?

With your help, Ahoua will be able to come to France, where she will be cared for by Doctor Jérôme Petit, interventional cardiologist at the Marie Lannelongue hospital in Le Plessis-Robinson, near Paris.

The operation that will save Ahoua’s life and that of her unborn child is expensive, very expensive for Ahoua’s family, who are already struggling to make a living from the cotton harvest.

At La Chaîne de l’Espoir, you help us save children, and today we need your help to save two livesThose of Ahoua and her unborn baby. We urgently need to treat them!

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