Discover the new La Chaîne de l’Espoir website!

To celebrate its 30th anniversary, La Chaîne de l'Espoir unveils its brand new website! More modern, with a new, more intuitive design, this site has been designed to keep you better informed and make it easier for you to get involved with us.

A site redesigned for you

The design has been completely reworked to make your experience more pleasant. On this site, you’ll find all the information you need about our actions, our programs, our projects and our news in a more accessible and intuitive way.

A young girl at the Children's Pavilion in Kabul

Your secure donations

To our loyal donors: this is our new official website.
You can continue to make secure donations, as always, to support our work with the most vulnerable children.

Your donor area remains unchanged and can be found here

30 years of commitment

This new site represents an important milestone in our history, marked this year by the celebration of 30 years of humanitarian action.

Thanks to you, we continue to make a difference, all over the world, for access to healthcare for the most vulnerable.

Thank you for your support and generosity!