Kady awaits surgery

If we don't act, this little girl won't survive.

Kady lives in the city of Conakry in Guinea

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

Barely 4 years old, this pretty, lively little girl is what’s known as a blue child. Kady suffers from “Tetralogy of Fallot”, also known as “blue disease”.

This disease groups together four anomalies: hypertrophy of the right ventricle, displacement of the aorta, narrowing of the pulmonary artery and abnormal communication between the right and left ventricles. The last two malformations are particularly serious: the blood cannot follow its natural route.

As a result, the blood takes the wrong route through the body, bypassing the lungs. The result is a bluish tint around Kady’s lips and fingertips.

And above all, the little one is constantly exhausted and out of breath, and can only sleep sitting up, otherwise she suffocates.

Her only hope: to have open-heart surgery as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the doctors on site do not have the necessary skills or equipment to carry out the operation.

Kady’s uncle heard about the Centre André Festoc on the radio, and to save his only daughter, she pooled her meagre savings and travelled 973 km to Bamako to operate on her child.

With your support, we’ll be able to operate on Kady during the next mission to Bamako by Dr. Paul Neuville, thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon at Tours University Hospital, and she’ll be able to return home to Guinea cured.

The operation is very costly, but with your help, we’ll be able to operate on Kady. Let’s act together!

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