Thanks to you, Safia can see again

Safia has her sight back!

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

Thanks to you, Safia can see properly again through her glasses. In fact, she packed four pairs in her luggage when she left France after several months’ eye surgery.

Without this operation, she would inevitably have lost her sight, like her father, who suffers from the same pathology: congenital cataract, a birth defect of the crystalline lens.

The disease had to be treated as quickly as possible. But at just 4 years of age, the effects were already taking their toll on the little girl from Congo-Brazzaville. Safia could no longer see landforms or move around without tripping or bumping into things. It was also impossible for her to lead a normal life, to play with other children, or even to go to school…

And as her lens became increasingly opaque, worsening her condition day by day, your support made it possible to bring her to France. She was treated in Paris by the Rothschild Foundation, a specialist in this type of operation.

Now she’s back home and at school!

“Safia was a real ray of sunshine during her stay with us. She was only 4 years old, but she was already expressing herself very well, using strong words, and always had a smile on her face. She got on with everyone… Her father is practically blind because he suffers from the same disease, and the family is very poor. Safia’s operation really changed her destiny. Today, she goes to school and, of course, she’s kept her lovely joie de vivre!” Monique Meurier, host family

At the age of 4, little Safia is almost blind

Since birth, Safia’s vision has been poor. Today, she can scarcely distinguish relief, she stumbles, gets up, falls, tries to run but runs into the slightest obstacle!
The cause? A “congenital cataract”, in other words a birth defect of the crystalline lens, which gradually clouds the eyes of this little girl from Congo-Brazzaville, to the point of blindness.


The more time goes by, the more Safia risks going blind! It’s time to act fast and perform surgery on her eyes, because neither eye drops nor lasers can restore transparency to such an opacified crystalline lens! In concrete terms, the operation involves removing the crystalline lens from each eye and replacing it with a lens. This would enable her to regain her sight, start school in excellent conditions and finally discover the joys of children’s games.

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar


In France, this child would have been operated on a long time ago! However, in Congo-Brazaville, ophthalmologists were able to make the diagnosis, but they do not have the technical facilities required for such an operation.

Fortunately, there is a solution! Safia can be treated in Paris: at the Rothschild Foundation, which specializes in this type of operation. Everything is ready for her, and her place is reserved in the operating room for two successive operations, one on each eye. But all this, the surgical procedures, hospitalization and consumables, represent a total of €12,000! What can we ask of Safia’s parents, who are modest shopkeepers in Brazzaville, earning just €153 a month? It’s far too much for them…


Together, we can help them and give their little Safia her sight back! Donate now to change her life!

Thank you for your invaluable support.

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