Teo finds the breath of life

Suffering from a complex heart condition, Teo underwent surgery!

Originally from Kontum, in the highlands of Vietnam, seven-year-old Teo would lose his breath at the slightest effort.

Welcomed with his mom in Ho Chi Minh City by the Dominican Sisters at the Children’s Pavilion, Teo was diagnosed with a complex pulmonary artery malformation combined with an abnormal communication between the two ventricles. Urgent open-heart surgery was essential.

This complex and costly operation was made possible thanks to your generosity. Today, after the operation, Teo is doing much better. He can resume activities like a child of his age, and go back to school. ” Very soon after the operation, Teo’s health improved. He became more active and started eating more. He has already gained over three kilos in just a few months. “says Sister Marie Xuyan, one of the referents at the Children’s Pavilion.

We sincerely thank our donors for responding to our appeal for funds to enable little Teo to undergo surgery.

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar