Successful operations for Sayan and Manola

Sayan & Manola have been operated on!
Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

Sayan and Manola no longer have their spleens, which is what saved their lives. Brother and sister, these Laotian children aged 5 and 3 were born with the same red blood cell anomaly. Anemia, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, an impressively enlarged spleen, the risk of internal bleeding at any moment… marked their early years. Their family lives in the mountains in the north of the country. Access to treatment was therefore not easy. But after a diagnosis at the Children’s Hospital in Vientiane, a partner of La Chaîne de l’Espoir, they were able to be operated on by Prof. Christine Grapin. a pediatric surgeon, on a medical mission. Living without a spleen won’t be a problem for them, as the organ is not vital.

“We’re so happy that our two children have been treated. Now they can go to school, play, run and grow up with peace of mind!” Sayan and Manola’s dad

In Laos, Sayan and Manola’s life hangs by a thread

Sayan, a 5-year-old boy, and his little sister Manola, aged 3, are Hmong, an ethnic group from the mountains of northern Laos. Since birth, they have suffered from a serious disease: beta-thalassemia, a genetic abnormality of the red blood cells. If not detected and treated in time, this pathology leads to severe anemia, resulting in extreme tiredness, dizziness and an impressive increase in the volume of the spleen, the organ that filters out the abnormal red blood cells in these two little children.


Sayan and Manola can’t wait any longer as they risk internal bleeding at any moment.

But there’s a shortage of specialists to perform this delicate operation. And that’s why we’re organizing a medical mission in the near future, for which surgeon Prof. Christine Grapin will be present.

has reviewed the files and is ready to operate on our two Laotian children.


This double intervention has an incompressible cost: 12,000 euros. We don’t even dare talk about it with Sayan and Manola’s parents, modest farmers who can’t afford the cost of such an operation.

So let’s get together to help this little boy and his sister, and add more links to our Chain of Solidarity with your precious generosity.

Thanks to your support, they will be able to undergo surgery in Vientiane, go to school, play, run… A new life will open up before them, thanks to your solidarity!

Thank you for doing the impossible with us!

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