News from Iary

Iary has been operated on!
Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

Some time ago, we launched an appeal to help care for Iary, a 2-year-old Malagasy boy born with a hole in his heart.

Since birth, Iary had suffered from an interventricular septal defect: a serious, life-threatening heart defect.

His parents, who live in a small village a long way from Antananarivo, the country’s capital, could unfortunately do nothing for him.

Successful open-heart surgery

But thanks to your generosity, Iary has been transferred to France for open-heart surgery. He underwent a successful operation at Toulouse University Hospital.

Following his latest medical check-up, Iary is doing very well and has even put on 1.5 kg since his operation.

Thank you for changing this little boy’s destiny!

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