Maïadat, first Comorian child transferred to Reunion Island

Maïadat, just one year old, is the first Comorian child to benefit from a life-saving transfer to the University Hospital of La Réunion. The transfer was orchestrated by La Chaîne de l'Espoir.
Maidat, a young Comorian woman operated on in Reunion Island

In the Indian Ocean, congenital heart defects affect around 1% of births. However, local medical staff often lack adequate training, and public health systems have limited capacity to treat these conditions. In addition, the population is generally unaware of paediatric cardio diseases.

To address these challenges, La Chaîne de l’Espoir has rehabilitated a pediatric cardiac surgery unit at CENHOSOA in Madagascar. Training missions are organized there for local healthcare professionals, complemented by tele-echography sessions via our echoes® program, enabling Comorian and Madagascan cardiologists to benefit from the remote expertise of specialists from the Félix Guyon University Hospital in La Réunion and the Nantes University Hospital.

A referral system has also been set up to identify children requiring surgery, giving them the option of being cared for either in Madagascar or on La Réunion.

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