Aliah has regained her vitality!

Together, let's save Aliah's heart!
Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

“After her operation, we saw Aliah swell up spectacularly!” recalls Anna Rosetti-Levy, who took the little girl in for two months before she underwent open-heart surgery at Tours University Hospital by Prof. Paul Neville.

The operation was essential. Aliah had been born with a heart defect called a ventricular septal defect, which made her extremely tired and slowed her development. “She was almost a year old when she came to us, and she had none of the mobility of a child her age. She slept a lot, wasn’t hungry. After the operation, she regained her joy, vitality and appetite. She was able to blossom a little more every day.

Today, Aliah is cured. She is back with her parents and six brothers and sisters in N’Djamena, Chad. “We hear from her regularly. She’s growing up well and is full of life,” enthuses Anna Rosetti-Levy.

Let’s save Aliah’s heart

Just a few months after her birth, Aliah was suffering from high fevers and recurring bronchitis… Her worried parents took their daughter to the nearest health center. It was there that the first diagnosis was made: Aliah had a heart murmur. A few days later, at the General Hospital in Yaoundé, Cameroon, Dr Guela gave her an echocardiogram: Aliah was suffering from a congenital heart condition known as ventricular septal defect (VSD).


CIV is a serious heart defect that allows unoxygenated blood to enter the body. Sufferers have lungs flooded with blood… Aliah is very short of breath and has difficulty sucking her bottle to feed herself, constantly having to stop to catch her breath. What’s more, she has difficulty standing up and sitting down… Only open-heart surgery will save Aliah.

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar


But Aliah lives in Cameroon, where the health infrastructure is still inadequate for open-heart surgery. Fortunately, she can be cared for in France at the CHU de Tours, and a volunteer family from La Chaîne de l’Espoir is already ready to welcome her and accompany her during her treatment for as long as it takes.

To save Aliah, we need to raise no less than €10,000. This sum covers the child’s transfer, surgical procedures, hospitalization and consumables. Her parents, whose income is too low, are unable to finance their daughter’s care. They are powerless to cope with the situation and have approached us. That’s why we’re appealing to your generosity!

Thanks to you, Aliah will be able to undergo the open-heart surgery on which her survival depends.

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