8-year-old Hery awaits heart surgery

In Madagascar, Hery has suffered from heart disease since birth, and is becoming more exhausted by the day...

Hery’s health began to deteriorate at the age of 6. He suffers from a chronic cough, and the slightest effort exhausts him. Because of his illness, he can’t play with his brother or his friends, as he gets out of breath quickly and frequently collapses. The only solution? Crouch down to save energy in case of discomfort. It’s a position that children with Tetralogy of Fallot spontaneously adopt to save their strength when they feel faint.

Mariela, open-heart surgery in Madagascar

What is tetralogy of Fallot?

It’s a heart disease that causes poor blood circulation, with unoxygenated blood spreading throughout the body. Also known as “blue disease”, children with this condition have blue fingers and lips.

Only open-heart surgery can save Hery!

For his parents, this operation is the only hope of seeing their little boy grow up and play normally with his big brother and the other children.

However, this type of operation is not yet feasible in Madagascar, as the technical facilities are insufficient and the medical teams are not trained for such a complex operation. And, unfortunately, his family is unable to finance the operation.

Dr. Rija M. MIANDRISOA placed the child on the waiting list of the Chain of Hope program to continue treatment of his congenital heart disease.

To enable this young patient to be transferred and benefit from this vital operation, we need to raise the sum of €8,000.

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