Kodjo is exhausted

Kodjo, 5, was born in Togo with a severe heart defect: Tetralogy of Fallot.

What is Tetralogy of Fallot?

This heart disease causes poor blood circulation, as unoxygenated blood spreads throughout the body. Also known as ” blue disease ” because children with this condition have blue fingers and lips (a sign of oxygen deprivation).

Only open-heart surgery can save Kodjo!

This cardiac pathology has serious consequences for the little boy: the malformation of his heart weakens him more and more, leading to stunted growth… But, above all, she’s putting her life in danger!

In the absence of trained cardiac surgeons and a suitable technical platform in his country, Kodjo had to be cared for in France.
Dr Baragou, our referent in Togo, put the child on our long waiting list.

A volunteer medical team is available to care for him at the Toulouse University Hospital. In addition, a host family is available to take care of him and accompany him from the moment he arrives in France until the end of his convalescence.

His parents live on very low incomes to finance their child’s operation.

That’s why we’re appealing to your generosity! The cost of the operation is the only thing keeping Kodjo from his new life.
To make it happen, we need to raise €10,000.

Together, let’s save Kodjo!

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