Afghanistan: opening of a hospital unit for malnourished children
With hunger affecting 95% of the Afghan population, La Chaîne de l'Espoir is mobilizing to care for children suffering from severe malnutrition.
At the Institut Médical Français pour la Mère et l’Enfant (IMFE), we’re opening a hospitalization unit for malnourished children suffering from intersecting pathologies (malnutrition being the cause or consequence). This pilot project starts with 12 beds, including 2 intensive care beds. All costs (X-rays, antibiotics, vitamins, nutrients, medical care and hospitalization) are covered by our association. This small unit plays a crucial role in Kabul, admitting severely malnourished children who cannot be treated elsewhere, in Kabul’s large public paediatric hospitals (Indira Gandhi, Atatürk, Maiwand), for lack of the necessary expertise.