Afghanistan: opening of a hospital unit for malnourished children

With hunger affecting 95% of the Afghan population, La Chaîne de l'Espoir is mobilizing to care for children suffering from severe malnutrition.
At the Institut Médical Français pour la Mère et l’Enfant (IMFE), we’re opening a hospitalization unit for malnourished children suffering from intersecting pathologies (malnutrition being the cause or consequence). This pilot project starts with 12 beds, including 2 intensive care beds. All costs (X-rays, antibiotics, vitamins, nutrients, medical care and hospitalization) are covered by our association. This small unit plays a crucial role in Kabul, admitting severely malnourished children who cannot be treated elsewhere, in Kabul’s large public paediatric hospitals (Indira Gandhi, Atatürk, Maiwand), for lack of the necessary expertise.
Child in the IMFE malnutrition unit in Kabul, Afghanistan

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