Afghanistan: IMFE continues to provide care despite an uncertain future

At the beginning of August, the Taliban seized more than half of Afghanistan's provincial capitals, before reentering Kabul on August 15. The Islamic State is declared.

The Taliban are in power, but are not recognized by the international community. Like other foreign nationals, the three expatriate employees of La Chaîne de l’Espoir have had to leave the country. Our Afghan team has remained in place, showing immense dignity and strength. Although many of them are very worried and upset, most of them are carrying on with their work.

As long as the situation allows, we will do our utmost to maintain the activity of the IMFE in Kabul and the Pavillon des Enfants, while respecting our basic principles: to provide care and treatment entirely free of charge for the poorest people, without any gender, ethnic or religious discrimination.

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