Life insurance

Taking out a life insurance policy in aid of La Chaîne de l'Espoir is a simple and effective way of supporting us. In addition to helping to save sick children, you'll benefit from an attractive tax exemption. Make your life insurance a tool for solidarity and hope.

La Chaîne de l’Espoir only accepts life insurance under French law and can’t process testamentary donations from abroad.

How does life insurance work?

Life insurance is a tax-advantaged savings and provident contract that allows you to build up capital to supplement your income or retirement.
To find out which formulas are best suited to your financial situation and needs, simply contact your bank or insurance company, which will provide you with all the information and advice you need.

Choose your beneficiary

The beneficiary of your life insurance policy may be a natural person (relative, friend, etc.), a private legal entity (association, foundation, etc.) or a public legal entity (local authorities, public institutions, etc.). You can designate one or more beneficiaries jointly or successively.

As life insurance is not part of the estate, it is not subject to the rules of hereditary reserve, as specified in article L132-13 of the French Insurance Code. Life insurance policies transferred to La Chaîne de l’Espoir are fully exempt from inheritance tax (article 795-4 of the French General Tax Code).

Why designate La Chaîne de l’Espoir as a beneficiary?

Making your savings socially responsible

By designating La Chaîne de l’Espoir as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, your support has a direct impact on access to medical care for women and children: surgical operations, strengthening the skills of local doctors and renovating hospital infrastructures.

Enforcing your wishes

Depending on your preference, your support can be earmarked for a specific mission or unrestricted (funding all our NGO’s activities without restriction). We undertake to scrupulously respect your wishes regarding the use of your life insurance.

Passing on with confidence

La Chaîne de l’Espoir guarantees the transparent use of your life insurance: our accounts are certified by an independent auditor and we have the “Don en Confiance” label.

Your legacy in action

30 000 €
= Canteen costs financed for 500 pupils

With our “Ma Santé, mon école” program, you can help ensure a balanced, regular diet for vulnerable pupils. Good nutrition improves concentration, reduces absenteeism and promotes better learning.

140 000 €
= 120 children operated on for maxillofacial pathologies

Your support will enable us to operate on children suffering from maxillofacial pathologies, and strengthen the skills of local medical teams.

“As a loyal donor, I want to leave a significant legacy. I have chosen to take out a life insurance policy with La Chaîne de l’Espoir to support medical care for underprivileged children. This decision reflects my humanitarian commitment and my belief that every child deserves an equal chance, regardless of their origins.”

Sylvie, 55, Rennes

Good to know

How to draw up a beneficiary clause?

The beneficiary clause must be drafted with the utmost care. In the absence of a clear designation, or in the event of ambiguity, the funds are included in the estate and subject to inheritance tax in accordance with Article L132-11 of the Code des Assurances.
How do I designate La Chaîne de l'Espoir as the beneficiary of my life insurance policy?

To designate La Chaîne de l’Espoir as beneficiary for all or part of your life insurance policy, the only formula to use is :

Do I need to inform my beneficiary?

It is not compulsory to inform your beneficiary, but it is strongly recommended that you do so. By law, insurance companies are obliged to search for the beneficiaries of unclaimed life insurance policies by consulting the Répertoire National d’Identification des Personnes Physiques (RNIPP), managed by Insee, every year (loi Eckert). However, given the large number of unclaimed contracts, it is prudent to take steps to ensure that your beneficiary is aware of the existence of your solidarity life insurance contract.

You can inform your beneficiary directly, or set out the details in a will filed with your notary. This ensures that your wishes are known and that the funds can be passed on without difficulty to La Chaîne de l’Espoir or any other person or organization you designate.

I want to change my beneficiary clause: what should I do?

You are free to change your beneficiary clause at any time, for the benefit of another person or organization. To do so, you need to notify your insurer or bank by letter, dated and signed, specifying your contract references and the identity of the new beneficiaries.

Your questions, our answers

How is a life insurance application processed?

Life insurance is not a gift as defined in article 893 of the Code Civil (donation inter vivos or by will). La Chaîne de l’Espoir’s Board of Directors is therefore not required to approve the policy.

Similarly, the prefectoral administrative control procedure is not applicable to life insurance contracts payable by the insurer to a specific beneficiary (decision of January 25, 2005 by the Ministère de l’Intérieur following an opinion by the Conseil d’État – Section de l’Intérieur). There is therefore no reason for the insurance company or the bank to require a decision of absence of opposition from the Préfecture.

The request for payment is made by a simple letter of acceptance or a request for payment from the Président of La Chaîne de l’Espoir, accompanied by the usual documents: articles of association, publication in the Journal Officiel, powers of attorney, identity papers, bank details (RIB)…

The capital must be paid within 30 days of receipt of the complete file. After this date, interest is automatically charged on any unpaid capital (article L132-23-1 of the Code des Assurances).

Anne-Laure Guionnet
Head of Liberalities
Tel: +33 1 44 12 66 80 – +33 6 18 29 90 60

“Whether you’re considering a traditional bequest, a one-off donation or taking out life insurance in favor of our organization, I’m available to provide you with all the information you need and answer any questions you may have. Your support can restore a child’s health, smile and hope.”