Why join La Chaîne de l’Espoir?
75 employees
full-time at headquarters in France
133 employees
expatriates and locals in the countries where we operate.
Gender equality index 2024
Working with La Chaîne de l’Espoir in France
At La Chaîne de l’Espoir’s head office in France, you’ll be joining an organization that puts people first.
We offer rewarding and varied career paths.
Whether you’re an administrator, communications officer, program coordinator or logistics specialist, every role on our team is essential to our mission to save lives.
Our conditions and benefits
Compensation and benefits
- Employees: your gross monthly salary is set according to our internal salary scale, taking into account your experience and seniority.
- Trainees and work-study students: allowances in line with legal standards.
- Seniority bonus: paid every three years.
Social security coverage
Supplementary health insurance (mutuelle): 80% covered by La Chaîne de l’Espoir.
Catering and transport
- Transport: reimbursement of 50% of the cost of transport or sustainable mobility package of €40 per month.
- Luncheon voucher: face value of €10.83, 60% paid by the organization.
Paid vacations and RTT
- Paid vacations: 25 working days per year
- RTT: 23 working days per year
Telecommuting policy: arrangements depending on the position held, favoring a balance between professional and personal life.
Skills development: annual training to support our employees’ professional development.
Gender equality index
Since 2019, French companies and associations have had to measure several indicators and publish their overall score on gender equality, in accordance with the law of September 5, 2018 and the decree of January 8, 2019.
Indicators include :
- Gender pay gap
- Difference in the distribution of individual increases
- Number of employees receiving a raise after maternity leave
- Representation of women among top earners
La Chaîne de l’Espoir achieved a score of 96/100 in 2024, underlining our commitment to equality and respect. We continue to work to improve these results, and will publish our next index in early 2025.
For more information on these indicators: Ministry of Labor
Working with La Chaîne de l’Espoir internationally
More than a hundred expatriate and local employees contribute to our programs in the countries where we operate. La Chaîne de l’Espoir monitors, trains and ensures the safety of its teams in the field. Expatriates can choose between two types of status: employee under French law or international solidarity volunteer (VSI).
Our conditions and benefits
Compensation and benefits
- Employee: gross monthly salary according to our internal salary scale, based on your previous experience and seniority.
- Volunteer: net monthly allowance of €1,200.
Living expenses allowance
- Per Diem: living expenses allowance, depending on the country of expatriation.
- School fees: Partial payment of school fees for children of expatriate family members.
- Individual accommodation: 50% of the cost of the rental, with a ceiling defined according to the country.
- Collective accommodation: furnished and equipped collective accommodation with single rooms.
- Travel: full cost of travel between home and the country of assignment at the start and end of the assignment.
- Leave: return ticket home every six months.
Paid leave and breaks (R&R)
- Paid vacations: 25 days per year.
- Breaks (R&R ): 5 days every three months, with financial coverage depending on the country of operation.
Apply to La Chaîne de l’Espoir
We regularly recruit staff to support our humanitarian missions, whether on permanent or fixed-term contracts, internships, work-study schemes or as volunteers (VSI).
- How to apply?
Consult our regularly updated job offers on our website and apply online.
Our human resources department carefully examines each application. However, we cannot personalize every reply. If you do not receive a reply within approximately one month, your application has been unsuccessful. Please do not hesitate to apply again for other suitable vacancies. - Recruitment process:
If your profile interests us, we will contact you to arrange an interview with our recruitment manager. If this initial interview is successful, you will then be invited to meet our operational teams to discuss your application in greater detail.