Nos réponses à vos questions

Our answers to your questions

How can I find out more about the children who have undergone surgery and the programs funded?

Once you’ve made your donation, we’ll keep you informed via our newsletter about our actions and news about the children.

Twice a year, you’ll receive your Le Fil de l’Espoir donor magazine, summarizing our latest actions, news from the children and an exclusive report! Also available on our website.

We regularly update our website with news items, and you can find a wealth of information on the history of La Chaîne de l’Espoir, our commitments and our programs.

You can also contact Donor Relations on 01 44 12 66 49 or by email (donateurs@chainedelespoir.org) for news of the children operated on.

Follow our latest news on our social networks:

How can I be sure that my donation will be used effectively?

74.2% of our funds are directly allocated to our social missions in the field.

La Chaîne de l’Espoir guarantees the transparent use of your donations:

  • Our accounts are certified by an independent auditor appointed by Deloitte & Associés.
  • We have been awarded the “Don en Confiance” label, an organization that certifies and monitors associations and foundations that appeal to the public’s generosity.
  • The activity andfinancial reports are available for all to consult.
  • Find out more about our financial transparency.

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