Go back 18/01/2018 - Thailandchildren day

Children's day in Thailand 2018

A festive day for the rights and welfare of the child

In Thailand, Children’s Day is celebrated every second Saturday of January. During that celebratory day, numerous events are organised in schools and communities.

Supported by its local partners (Nang Rong hospital, Foundation of the House of Hope, Conservatory of Music, Faculty of Fine Arts, primary and secondary schools, local companies, etc.), La Chaîne de l’Espoir organised its own event to promote the socio-educational and school health projects carried out all year round and to raise the awareness of participants of all ages about issues related to the rights and welfare of the child.

Lots of children came throughout the day to participate in various workshops: drawing and printmaking classes conducted by a professor from the Faculty of Fine Arts who came specially from Bangkok for the occasion, teaching of English using phonics by the children’s club of our partner schools, traditional and contemporary music performances by the music sections of five of our network schools together with children from the House of Hope, sale of products from our vocational clubs, trampoline, bouncy castle, meals offered to the children, raffle, and for those with a sweet tooth, awareness and prevention sessions on oral and dental hygiene with the active support of Nang Rong hospital. Our young reporters eagerly followed the programme of the Children’s Day and their reports will be broadcast soon on the schools’ YouTube channels.

We particularly want to thank Kru Tom from the “Army Music School” for lending the music equipment, the dentists of Nang Rong hospital for their availability and the prevention material given to the children. We also want to thank Khun Jack, owner of the TRI restaurant, who graciously let us use his restaurant premises. 

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