Become a volunteer in the field or at headquarters

Would you like to join our teams? Participate in our missions abroad, or come and support our activities at head office? La Chaîne de l'Espoir is looking for experts in a wide range of specialties.

La Chaîne de l’Espoir is an international, independent, apolitical and non-denominational NGO that has been active since 1994. Our mission is to improve access to medical and surgical care for vulnerable people, particularly children and women. We intervene in contexts of fragility or crisis by strengthening healthcare systems through medical-surgical training, hospital engineering support and the transfer of new technologies.

Our work is made possible by the expertise and commitment of volunteer professionals.


Who can become a volunteer?

We’re looking for qualified, passionate professionals who are willing to give their time and expertise.

By clicking on this link, you will find the professions currently sought by La Chaîne de l’Espoir.

Medical professions

Skills required:

  • doctors, surgeons, anesthetists,
  • nurses, operating room nurses, nurse anesthetists, perfusionists,
  • pharmacists, etc.

Types of assignments:

In the field:

  • medical-surgical missions: surgical interventions in conjunction with local medical teams, training of healthcare professionals and skills transfer,
  • exploratory missions: assessment and audit, planning of future interventions.

At the head office or remotely:

  • support for operational activities,
  • medical records expertise,
  • technical expertise in medical supply,
  • day-to-day management (recruiting volunteers, preparing medical activities, representing the organization).
Biomedical professions

Skills required:

  • biomedical engineers and technicians

Types of assignments:

In the field:

  • carrying out audits prior to the launch of a study or project for the construction or renovation of care units or facilities,
  • support local teams in the installation and maintenance of equipment,
  • training in equipment use and maintenance,
  • participation in visibility initiatives to promote the association’s technical expertise (congresses, conferences, open days, round tables).

At the head office or remotely:

  • equipment start-up support for the local team,
  • running training courses,
  • technical expertise during design phases or equipment purchasing and maintenance.
Infrastructure-related professions

Skills required:

  • engineers and technicians specialized in public procurement or technical work packages,
  • engineers of all trades,
  • structural engineers,
  • architects.

Types of assignments:

In the field:

  • carrying out audits prior to launching a study or project for the construction or renovation of care units or facilities (needs analysis, construction feasibility, etc.),
  • monitoring construction and rehabilitation projects,
  • running training courses,
  • participation in visibility actions alongside head office and field teams (congresses, conferences, open days, round tables).

At the head office or remotely:

  • participation in technical studies prior to the construction or renovation of care units or facilities,
  • site supervision,
  • training courses.

Additional expertise required:

  • health economist: support for data collection and analysis, development of tools, training courses,
  • medical programmer: support for teams during design phases, training courses, drafting of recommendations.
Service professions

Service professions can provide a variety of services to support the day-to-day running of the association and its missions. We are looking for volunteers with skills and experience in the following areas:

Skills required:

  • reception and administrative management
  • IT
  • accounting and finance
  • travel service
  • legal

Types of assignments (at headquarters or remotely):

  • home
  • administrative and financial support
  • IT support
  • travel organization
Najiya and her daughter Amina at the Kabul nutrition unit

“By offering a little of our time and expertise, we receive an enormous amount in return, both from the people we treat and from the local teams: we return enriched by these emotions and the satisfaction of doing a service for children unjustly condemned by their place of birth.”

Chantal Chazelet, a volunteer pediatric anesthetist with La Chaîne de l’Espoir, who has carried out missions in Jordan, Togo, Benin, Rwanda and Ethiopia.
A mother with her daughter at the IMFE in Kabul
A father with his daughter at the IMFE in Kabul
A father with his child at the IMFE in Kabul

Field missions

Most of our overseas assignments last around a week. For certain specific projects, longer assignments may be proposed.

Candidates must be qualified, experienced and ready to work in sometimes demanding conditions. A working knowledge of medical English is a plus, but not essential.

How can La Chaîne de l’Espoir help you?

  • Preparation and support: prior to your departure, a pre-mission meeting is organized to detail specific objectives and expectations. In addition, a comprehensive country safety briefing is provided.
  • Logistics: La Chaîne de l’Espoir takes care of all the logistics and expenses associated with your trip (transport, meals, accommodation), so that you can concentrate on the mission.
  • Safety: the safety of our volunteers is paramount. We provide continuous surveillance and 24/7 support for the duration of the mission.
  • Health: La Chaîne de l’Espoir covers the health costs associated with your mission (e.g. vaccinations, malaria prophylaxis). During your mission, you benefit from health and repatriation insurance and assistance.

How can you join us?

Are you ready to join our network of volunteer professionals working to improve access to healthcare worldwide?
We look forward to welcoming you to our team.
Here’s how to join us if your profile and skills match our programs:

  • Consult our profiles: our site is regularly updated with advertisements detailing specific needs, according to planned missions and requirements in the field.
    Consult mission offers
  • Send an unsolicited application: you’re not one of the profiles we’re looking for, but you’d like to offer your help? You can submit your application directly.
    Go to the application form