Become an institutional partner

Public institutions play an essential role in the realization of our actions. Their commitment to La Chaîne de l'Espoir is fundamental to the financing of our programs and projects.

Why work with La Chaîne de l’Espoir?

Since 1994, La Chaîne de l’Espoir has been working toimprove healthcare systems,educate children about health andempower local medical teams in developing countries.

With the support of institutional donors, La Chaîne de l’Espoir can :

Organizing surgical missions around the world

Specialized volunteer medical teams travel to different countries to operate on children with complex pathologies.
These missions require financial resources to cover the costs of organization, transport, accommodation and medical equipment.

Training and capacity-building for local healthcare professionals

By providing medical expertise and financial resources, these institutions help to improve the skills and knowledge of healthcare personnel, thus empowering local teams.

Health awareness, prevention and education in needy countries

Working with local communities and authorities, these initiatives aim to inform and educate about the importance of medical care, hygiene and nutrition. Institutional backers therefore support these local initiatives, which are essential to improving the health and well-being of children and women.

Building and equipping hospitals in disadvantaged regions

he aim of these initiatives is to ensure equitable access to quality care. The funds enable the creation or rehabilitation of medical facilities that meet international standards and are adapted to local needs, and the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment.

Responding to emergencies and humanitarian crises

In situations of conflict, natural disaster or epidemic, La Chaîne de l’Espoir intervenes rapidly to provide essential medical care and save lives. The support of institutional donors is crucial in deploying emergency medical teams, supplying equipment and medicines, and training local doctors to meet the immediate needs of the affected populations. These interventions help to stabilize critical situations and prepare the ground for longer-term reconstruction and development initiatives.

Assessing the quality of La Chaîne de l’Espoir’s actions

Before setting up a project, an assessment is carried out to determine the context, needs, objectives, expected results, activities to be carried out, viability and sustainability of the project, as well as the human and material resources required.

Programs and budgets are monitored and evaluated on the basis of these predefined indicators. Surveys can be carried out to assess progress at each stage of the project and measure its impact. Beneficiary satisfaction surveys can also be carried out at the end of the project. Where necessary, program evaluation is carried out by specialized external bodies.

Najiya and her daughter Amina at the Kabul nutrition unit

“The diversification of our funding sources, combined with the loyalty of our 100,000 private donors, our major institutional partners and our patrons, enable us to ensure the development of our activities, despite the economic difficulties affecting all sectors”.

Anouchka Finker, Executive Director of La Chaîne de l’Espoir

Financial transparency

La Chaîne de l’Espoir ensures that the donations it receives are put to good use. Our accounts are certified each year by Deloitte, a firm that guarantees the rigor of our management.

“3 times a year, before each Board meeting, I report on my work to the Audit and Internal Control Committee. The independent controls and audits carried out by the Statutory Auditors, our institutional backers and the “Don en Confiance” label also guarantee the proper use of the funds we receive and the sound management of our actions. The increasing scarcity of funding means that we have to be irreproachable in this area”.
Éric Legendre, Audit and Internal Control Manager, La Chaîne de l’Espoir

Some actions supported by our institutional partners

Responding to the health and humanitarian emergency in Ukraine

Since 2022, the Crisis and Support Center (CDCS) of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs has been helping our mission in Ukraine since the start of the war. We have sent tons of medical equipment and emergency kits to several Ukrainian hospitals. All this equipment is essential to enable doctors to treat the sick and injured.

Screening for congenital orthopedic conditions in Lebanon and Jordan

With the support of the Agence Française de Développement, La Chaîne de l’Espoir strengthens the capacities of the Lebanese and Jordanian healthcare systems. We offer children access to high-quality medical and surgical care: screening, diagnosis, follow-up, rehabilitation and psychosocial support.

A hospital for the people of Sinjar in Iraq

Since the 2014 genocide by Daesh, Sinjar in northeastern Iraq has seen its infrastructure destroyed. In response, La Chaîne de l’Espoir has launched the construction of the Sinjar French Medical Center (SFMC) in 2019. This project, in partnership with the Iraqi Ministry of Health and supported by Nadia’s Initiative, is financed by the Crisis and Support Center of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Madad European fund. The planned opening of this medical center in 2024 brings the hope of quality care for Sinjar.

We would like to thank all our institutional partners, because we owe them a great debt of gratitude: our ability to continue saving children!

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