Our news

kabul maternity ward  the afghan team is ready
Kabul maternity ward: the Afghan team is ready Missions
23/11/16 - FMIC, kabul, afghanistan, Maternity

Deliveries and emergency caesarian sections will have no more secrets for the medical staff

opening of a consultation service in dakar
Opening of a consultation service in Dakar Events
17/11/16 - opening, consultation, Dakar, Sénégal

secure online donation
Secure online donation Events
16/11/16 - secure, online, donation

S for Security for La Chaîne de l’Espoir website

inauguration of the children’s pavilion in kabul
Inauguration of the Children’s Pavilion in Kabul Events
08/11/16 - FMIC, children pavilion, kabul, afghanistan

A house for our little patients