Our news

astounding first in kabul
Astounding first in Kabul Missions
27/09/17 - afghanistan, kabul, astounding first

Exceptional surgical operation on a preterm baby weighing 890 grams

orthopaedic surgery mission in kabul
Orthopaedic surgery mission in Kabul Missions
20/09/17 - afghanistan, kabul, mission, orthopaedic surgery

Feedback on the mission of child upper limb surgery in Kabul

togo  discovering the french language
Togo: discovering the French language Missions
15/09/17 - togo, french, education

Learning French while having fun, a useful passport towards new learning experiences

new surgical cardiac mission in amman
New surgical cardiac mission in Amman Missions
15/09/17 - mission, cardiac surgery, amman, Jordan

Nine children operated on during a new surgical cardiac mission in Jordan with Chain of Hope UK and funding by European Union - Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO)