Save today’s children
to buildtomorrow’s world

All over the world, millions of children are condemned to death for lack of access to healthcare. Since 1994, La Chaîne de l’Espoir has been strengthening healthcare systems to give everyone, especially children, the same chances of survival and development.

La Chaîne de l’Espoir in figures

26 countries
of intervention


patients operated on

116 missions

A comforting presence for hospitalized children

How can we best support isolated children during their hospitalization and create happy interludes in their care? That’s what La Chaîne de l’Espoir’s “Accompagnement des Enfants Hospitalisés” program is all about. Sun sponsors regularly visit young French patients whose parents are far away or in need of respite, bringing them comfort and moments of escape. This support makes all the difference, both for the young patients and for the care teams.

A new book to celebrate 30 years of solidarity

To mark the 30th anniversary of La Chaîne de l’Espoir, the anniversary book “30 temps d’Espoir” (30 Times of Hope) recounts, through 30 moving testimonials, how the links in a unique chain, interweaving surgery, medicine, solidarity, generosity, passion and determination, have risen to every challenge to offer a better future to thousands of children.

Famine in Afghanistan

La Chaîne de l’Espoir has opened a nutrition unit at theIMFE in Kabul, offering consultations and hospitalization for the most serious cases of malnutrition. Care is provided free of charge, and awareness-raising sessions on nutrition and breastfeeding are held for mothers.

Si 20 personnes font un don de 30€ (soit 7,50€ après déduction fiscale), vous financez la prise en charge d’un enfant dans notre unité de nutrition.

Bao back to normal

This 5-year-old Vietnamese boy, who lives 120 km from the capital, underwent surgery at the Tan Duc Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City. Dr Phuong, trained by Pr Alain Deloche, corrected his heart defect. His heart is now beating strongly. For Bao, it’s a new beginning: he can finally play and laugh like other children.

Si 48 personnes font un don de 60 € (soit 15 € après déduction fiscale), vous permettez à un enfant cardiaque d'être opéré dans son pays.

From training to empowerment

“In Madagascar, many newborns suffer from cardiac pathologies, but few can benefit from open-heart surgery. Thanks to the training provided by La Chaîne de l’Espoir, we are gradually developing our expertise in this field.”
Lucas Zakarimanana Randimbinirina Cardiovascular surgeon at CENHOSOA

Si 275 personnes font un don de 200 € (soit 50 € après déduction fiscale), vous financez le coût d’une mission de formation chirurgicale.

Our countries of operation

We are committed to providing care that is as close as possible to children and women in over thirty countries.

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Together, let’s keep hope alive

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Every donation counts. By getting involved, you’re helping to form a chain of solidarity.

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Support our actions on behalf of the most vulnerable, so that together we can save more and more children.

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